Accredited Training

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Accredited Training

RASASC NW delivers accredited Level 2 Understanding Safeguarding to professionals. We deliver it on behalf of TEC WALES, and it is Accredited by AGORED.

The accredited version of our safeguarding training is provided in a standalone Unit of 1 Credit. It includes a one day in person delivery of training with an experienced trainer and qualified Clinical and Safeguarding lead following which you complete a workbook for assessment.

Purpose and Aim

The aim of this unit is to develop the learner's knowledge and understanding of safeguarding.

Learning Outcomes

The learner will

1. Know own role in relation to safeguarding adults, children and young people from harm, abuse and neglect.

Assessment Criteria

The learner can

1.1 Outline a piece of legislation that applies to safeguarding.

1.2 Outline a policy that applies to safeguarding.

1.3 Describe own responsibilities in relation to safeguarding.

1.4 Explain why it is important to report immediately any concerns about possible harm, abuse or neglect.

1.5 Outline actions that must be taken where there are on-going concerns about harm, abuse or neglect.

1.6 Explain the boundaries of confidentiality in relation to safeguarding.

2. Understand how individuals are protected from harm, abuse and neglect.

2.1 Describe how legislative frameworks underpin the rights of individuals to be protected from harm, abuse and neglect.

2.2 Describe ways of working that protect individuals from harm, abuse and neglect.

3. Know how to recognise different types of harm, abuse and neglect.

3.1 Identify the categories of harm and abuse.

3.2 Identify the signs and symptoms associated with harm, abuse and neglect.

You can find further information on the unit here: Unit (

The costs of enrolment on the course is £250 per person. This contribution covers the costs for delivery, assessment of workbook in order to receive accreditation through AGORED.  For further information please contact

We do also offer an unaccredited version of the training which is delivered as a full day training with an experienced trainer, following which you will receive a certificate of attendance. We can deliver at a reduced cost depending on the number of attendees, for further information please contact